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  • India
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  • Valaciclovir
  • Valtrex
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Buy Valtrex - valaciclovir - 500mg - 42 tablets Valtrex valaciclovir Brand United Kingdom 500mg 42 tablets DR $263.77 Add
Buy Valtrex - valaciclovir - 250mg - 60 tablets Valtrex valaciclovir Brand United Kingdom 250mg 60 tablets DR $353.32 Add
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Buy VALCIVIR - valaciclovir - 500mg - 42 tablets Valtrex/​VALCIVIR valaciclovir Brand India 500mg 42 tablets DR $99.99 Add
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Medicines have benefits and some have risks. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your health professional. Brands and generics both contain the same active ingredient(s) and are medically equivalent. Some brands are marketed under different names by the same manufacturer depending on the country of origin. Images are provided as a reference only, the received medicine may vary in packaging, color, pill shape, etc, from one batch to the next. For an item marked "generic" any quality brand may be sent, however you will always receive the active ingredients ordered in the strength(s) ordered.

Valtrex (valaciclovir) is an antiviral drug prescribed to help remedy or prevent outbreaks brought on by herpes simplex and related viruses in children and adults.

Herpes is an incredibly widespread disease, affecting people of all races and backgrounds. While there is no cure for herpes, millions of people buy Valtrex to suppress symptoms, shorten outbreaks and reduce outbreak frequency.

Valtrex also helps inhibit transmission of the virus to other people, though transmission is still possible through sexual contact.

How Valtrex Works:

Valtrex successfully suppresses outbreaks by preventing the virus from spreading to uninfected cells. With the virus unable to flourish the body is better able to overcome the virus, providing relief for patients:
  • Shorter outbreaks
  • Less severe symptoms
  • Less frequent outbreaks
  • Prevented outbreaks
Herpes simplex is not the only virus this medication suppresses. Patients also buy Valtrex to prevent and treat illness caused by related viruses:
  • Herpes labialis (chicken pox)
  • Varicella zoster virus (shingles)
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Cytomegalovirus (after an organ transplant)
Whenever possible Valtrex should be taken at the earliest symptoms an outbreak is starting. This may be tingling, itchiness, appearance of sores or blisters, tenderness and so forth. Treatment will not be as effective if it's started at later stages of an outbreak.

As an antiviral drug, it's important to continue treatment even if symptoms stop. Similar to bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, viruses may become resistant to Valtrex if treatment stops early.

Taking Valtrex:

Valtrex tablets are typically taken once a day. Tablets should not crushed or divided.

Patients who get nauseous after taking tablets may benefit from eating a light snack or meal with each dose. If nausea persists, a dose may be taken in two parts at different times of day.

Dosage strength and length of treatment is highly variable, depending on the ailment being treated and individual patient condition and response to treatment. The physician prescribing Valtrex will explain how it should be taken.

Parents should not buy Valtrex to treat any condition in children other than chicken pox to prevent cytomegalovirus after an organ transplant.

Because this medication is most effective when taken at the earliest signs of an outbreak, most patients find it easiest to buy Valtrex ahead of time so it's on hand when needed.

Other Considerations:

Valtrex can help minimize the impact viral outbreaks have on daily life. Most patients use Valtrex with no adverse effects, but there are a few simple guidelines to help ensure treatment goes smoothly:
  • The most common side effects are headache, nausea and fatigue. In rare cases these symptoms persist or are severe, in which case a doctor should be consulted.
  • Valtrex may trigger liver inflammation in patients with a history of liver problems.
  • Women who are pregnant or breast feeding should not buy Valtrex.
  • Valtrex may be less effective if taken with some other medications. Ask a pharmacist or doctor about drug interactions.
  • Patients with a history of kidney problems should not buy Valtrex without first talking to a doctor about potentially serious side effects.
  • Some patients develop extreme sensitivity to sunlight while taking Valtrex. Protection may need to be used until treatment ends.
  • Individuals allergic to any of the ingredients should not buy Valtrex. A rash or swelling of lips, eyes, tongue or throat indicate an allergic reaction and call for immediate medical attention.
Need to Buy Valtrex?

All clients must have a prescription to buy Valtrex. At Kiwi Drug, our online physician can issue a prescription for no additional charge and without the hassle of a doctor visit.

Our pharmacy is staffed by professional pharmacists and we sell only authentic, high-quality medications. Most orders are processed and shipped in under 24 hours.

We're happy to help with any questions or if you need help completing an order. Contact us anytime!

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